Saturday 10 January 2009

Orange County!

The name of our county has taken on a whole new meaning for us. We have a few citrus trees in the garden... but they all seem to produce a ton of fruit! Our tangerine tree was seriously out of control last week (well... I guess it still is). So Josh and the girls went to work. After two boxes full... they stopped. Tangerines anyone???


Tam on the Rocks said...

That is so funny! When I was growing up we had a lemon tree and an orange tree. Our lemon tree was quite prolific, but our orange tree only produced one orange a year. And usually on the very top where we couldn't reach it! :)

The Asiedu Family said...

I really don't think it's fair that Josh is in shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of January! I'm jealous, so jealous!!

monica said...

Yes, please!!!
Are you kids really in shorts! oh, there is no place like California.

Katie said...

that's great! We are hoping our citrus trees will produce here. I gues you could set a market in your driveway!